Caring for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is a widespread concern affecting over 50% of women in Western countries, which makes skincare for sensitive skin a top priority. At Meder Beauty our collection of specially formulated skincare products contains prebiotics and probiotics to restore balance to the skin’s microbiome and bring comfort back. We’re sharing our insights and expert practical advice on caring for sensitive skin.


The underlying cause of sensitive skin remains a subject of ongoing research, but current findings suggest that sensitivity is linked more to the nervous system’s response rather than the skin itself. In recent years, new theories highlight the significance of the skin microbiome, revealing that the microbiome of those who consider their skin sensitive is less diverse and contains a higher concentration of harmful microorganisms than people with non-sensitive skin. 


Sensitive skin triggers vary widely and are completely individual. Examples include skin dryness, acne, temperature changes, new skincare products and fabrics. While discomfort can also develop as a response to stress, anxiety, diet or after injuries like aesthetic treatments.

To determine if you have sensitive skin, refer to our checklist. If you experience four or more of the following, it’s likely you’re dealing with sensitive skin:

  • Skin irritability
  • Stinging
  • Burning
  • Sensation of heat
  • Tautness
  • Itching
  • Pain
  • General discomfort
  • Flushes
  • Redness

Creating a tailored and effective skincare routine for sensitive skin is important along with adopting lifestyle changes. Consider these tips to support sensitive skin:

  • Choose a gentle pH-balanced cleanser (close to pH 5.5) that doesn’t strip skin of its natural protection. 
  • Include calming solutions with ingredients such as centella asiatica, green tea, aloe vera, northern truffle and skinasensyl peptides to reduce sensitivity.
  • Add at least one prebiotic solution in your routine. To help promote the growth of healthy microflora and maintain a healthy skin microbiome. 
  • Minimise temperature contrast, avoiding exposure to extreme hot or cold water and air where possible.
  • Handle skin gently - brushes, sponges, and loofahs are common causes of skin damage and even the softest can remove the skin’s natural barrier so it’s best to avoid them when cleansing skin.
  • Opt for silk pillowcases, soft towels, and soft organic clothing like those from Q for Quinn as easy ways to show kindness to your sensitive skin. 

A minimal approach is especially beneficial for those with sensitive skin. European studies show that an average woman applies 126 cosmetic ingredients to her face every day, so using fewer ingredients can lower the risk of potential allergies, reactions, and sensitivity. 

Caring for sensitive skin requires a holistic approach but by choosing the right targeted care for its unique requirements you can enjoy happier, healthy and more comfortable skin. 

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